Our Products
We have several pre-designed styles and colours of apparel you can choose from. You could also want something unique to you and customize it!
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We roll out amazing new collections per season. Check out what we have for you this season

Who are We?
God’s Army exists to inspire people and motivate the body of Christ to contend for the Faith, in our daily living through unique and custom wears and other fashion items.
We are a brand with the sole purpose of being a vehicle of indelible light which cuts through the increasing darkness in the world in these last days.
We are a 360⁰ printing company that thrives on Quality output, Integrity in transactions, Excellence in delivery with the vision to change the Industry standard.
The Bugle
We don’t want you missing out on any information; new collection releases, event dates and so much more. Stay up to date with everything we have for you!